I’ve been a little absent here as you may have noticed.
My focus has been elsewhere. And for a great reason.
What better reason is there, than choosing life!
For the last 2 years I have been focussed on my health.
On healing. On keeping my cancer in it’s place.
I’ll be honest, it’s been a huge bloody job. And for now, it’s working.
It feels like my head is starting to clear, and I can come back to myself.
I can take some time to remember who I am outside of cancer.
To remember the little things that bring me joy. To wake up.
And for the first time in a long time, focus elsewhere.
It feels like the perfect time. Spring is here.
Like everything in life, we all need a little watering.
So I’m going to water myself with the things that bring me joy. Hākinakina. Moments spent outdoors. The water. Gardening. Moments of creativity. Moving my body. Getting my strength back.
Focusing on the things I have lost along the way.
So this is a reminder to take a minute and remember who you are and what makes you you. And dive into that. Because we all deserve more of that.
Thanks for being patient with me.
Sara x